The founder and visionary behind the JM Sharp Company and ranch. He was a leader in the farming community.

The story behind the Orchard
JM Sharp Company

Founded in 1923 JM Sharp Co has a rich history in the Santa Paula valley farming community. bosting 100 years of quality citrus and avocados, a rich history, and decades of agricultural leadership.

March 3, 1844 a young man was born in Cadiz, Ohio. His name, James Meikle Sharp. In 1848 along with his six siblings and his parents John Sharp and C A Hesser Sharp he traveled across the country in covered wagon to Willamette Valley in Oregon where he was raised and educated. James Meikle came to California in 1867 and his first job was as ditch tender in Placer County at a salary of $50 a month.
The History
He then went to San Francisco to Heralds Business College and then to Nevada where he taught. With a wagon and four horses and his worldly goods he embarked for Ventura County in 1876, locating in the Santa Ana Valley where he had purchased a ranch, with his brother as partner. Here he built a house and ranched until 1882, at which time he purchased a Weldon ranch near Santa Paula. Hay and lima beans were his first crops on the new holdings, and later he put in 65 acres of walnuts and 50 of citrus being one of the pioneer planters of these two crops in the county. This ranch was the beginning of what is to become the J M Sharp Company in 1923.
The Family
The Sharp family was influential in the development and success of the agricultural and commercial business of the Ventura County Area. During his life James Meikle was actively interested in the development of Ventura County and was instrumental in the organization and operation of the Saticoy Walnut Growers’ Association, one of the first cooperatives in the county and which he served as president for 30 years.
The Vision
He was president of the Alta Mutual Water Company, an irrigation project, and also of the Saticoy Mutual Water Company, serving domestic purposes. He was one of the original 15 Ventura County men who organized and gave impetus to the good roads movement in this county. Mr. Sharp was one of the leading men in the Mupu Citrus Association of Santa Paula and served as its president for many years. In October 1890, he was one of the
organizers of the peoples Lumber Company, and served as an officer of the corporation for about 40 years. In
1905 he organized the Farmers and Merchants Bank in Santa Paula, and was president of the bank for 12 years. Later he served as a director of the Citizens State bank there. When he resigned from active membership in the Santa
Paula Rotary Club and he was made an honorary member, and was one of the oldest members in the group. He was the
creator of the student loan fund which the Santa Paula Rotary Club sponsors.
The Ranch Today
The J M Sharp Company now consists of over 350 acres of ranch land in addition to residential and commercial properties in the Santa Paula area.
The company is governed by a Board of Directors who meet once a quarter. In addition, the stock holders of the company provide input with regard to company matters through quarterly votes at the board meetings.
A Legacy to the Santa Paula Community, Jimmy Sharp was a WWII veteran and an instrumental member of the Santa Paula farming community.
James (Jimmy) M. Sharp
Grace Honora Sharp was a pioneer of her time. She was a medical doctor in the Ventura County, her life spanned over a century of California history.
Hubert was a force in the California farming community founding the Saticoy Walnut Growers Association and serving as president of the Mupu Citrus Association.
Hubert Chester (Doc) Sharp
Robert was an expert in geology, he served in WWII and went on to teach geology at the University of Illinois, University of Minnesota, and Caltech. His students name Mt. Sharp on Mars for his contribution to the field.