James Meikle Sharp
A true pioneer in Ventura County CA in both medicine and in Ranching
Founder of The JM Sharp Company
Biography: Note: The information provided is as of Dec 8, 1932.
J. M. Sharp was one of the prominent ranchers of Saticoy. He was born in Cadiz, Ohio, March 3, 1844. His father, John Sharp, was born in Pennsylvania, March 27, 1797, and his mother, C. A. (Hesser) Sharp, was born in Virginia in 1808. They had seven children, all of whom are now living. The subject of this sketch was reared and educated in
Oregon, and was a school teacher there. He has also been engaged in the profession of teaching since coming to Ventura County, having graduated from the State Normal School in 1871.
He came to California in 1867, spent two years in Placer County, working for wages; then, for six years, was a
book-keeper in San Francisco; worked one year on a farm in Sonoma County.
In 1876 he came to Southern California, resided six years on a farm in The Santa Ana Valley area, and, in November, 1882, moved to his present ranch where he has since resided. This property consists of 140 acres, and is most beautifully located. Mr. Sharp has built and made many improvements, and is now engaged in the construction of a fine residence which, when completed, will contain all the modern improvements of a first-class home, including gas, hot and cold water. It is being built some distance from the highway in order to afford ample room for ornamental grounds. This farm cost $40 an acre, and is not for sale, but is valued at $200 per acre in 1932. Mr. Sharp is engaged in the production of Lima beans, for which the land is wonderfully well adapted. He has twenty acres in walnut trees, which will soon yield $100 per acre.
Mr. Sharp was married in 1874 to Miss S. R. Plank, a native of Pennsylvania, born in 1851, and daughter of
Joseph Plank, who was born in Chester County, Pennsylvania, September 13, 1813. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp have an interesting family of seven children. She is a member of the Baptist Church, and was graduated at the State Normal School of California, in the class of 1871. Mr. Sharp is a strictly temperance man, and adheres to the Prohibition party.
James Meikle Sharp Obituary
Ventura County Star, December 10, 1932. NOTE:Information as of Dec 10, 1932
J. M. Sharp, who played an important part in the general development of Ventura County, passed away at his home west of Santa Paula at 8:30 o’clock last night (December 8, 1932), following a four weeks’ illness. He was one of the first citrus growers in Ventura County and within the past few years had undertaken the development of 125 additional acres in orchard. He was recognized as a progressively-minded rancher and his holding were all highly developed which, coupled with his great business capacity, brought him rich returns.

Mr. Sharp was born in Cadiz, Ohio, on March 3,1844, and when he was four years old he moved with his family to Missouri, later going with them overland by covered wagon to the Willamette Valley in Oregon where he was educated in the public schools. He came to California in 1867 and his first job was as ditch tender in Placer County at a salary of $50 a month. Then he went to San Francisco where he attended Heralds Business College, where he taught following his graduation. He then entered the State Normal College in San Francisco and was graduated in 1871, going to Nevada where he taught. Later he was employed as an accountant in San Francisco banking institutions and farmed in Sonora County for one year. With a wagon and four horses and his worldly goods he embarked for Ventura County in 1876, locating in the Santa Ana Valley where he had purchased a ranch, with his brother as partner. Here he built a house and ranched until 1882, at which time he purchased a Weldon ranch near Santa Paula where he continued to make his home until his death.
Hay and lima beans were his first crops on the new holdings, and later he put in 65 acres of walnuts and 50 of citrus being one of the pioneer planters of these two crops in the county. During his life he was actively interested in the
development of Ventura County and was instrumental in the organization and operation of the Saticoy Walnut Growers’ Association, one of the first cooperatives in the county and which he served as president for 30 years. He was president until a year ago of the Alta Mutual Water Company, an irrigation project, and also of the Saticoy Mutual Water Company, serving domestic purposes. He was one of the original 15 Ventura County men who organized and gave impetus to the good roads movement in this county.
Mr. Sharp was one of the leading men in the Mupu Citrus Association of Santa Paula and served as its president for many years. In October 1890, he was one of the organizers of the peoples Lumber Company, and served as an officer of the corporation for about 40 years.
In 1905 he organized the Farmers and Merchants Bank in Santa Paula, and was president of the bank for 12 years. Later he served as a director of the Citizens State bank there. When he resigned from active membership in the Santa Paula Rotary Club about a year and a half ago he was made an honorary member, and was one of the oldest members in the group. He was the creator of the student load fund which the Santa Paula Rotary Club sponsors.
He was married on Aug. 6, 1874, to Mrs. S. R. Plank, a native of Philadelphia who survives him.
Other surviving members of the family are two daughters, Mrs. Grace N. Thille and Mrs. Jennie Duval; and four sons, Julian H. of Camulos ranch, Hubert of Saticoy, L. T. of Santa Paula, and Nathan of Simi. Two other sons, Edgar and Carroll passed away some years ago. There also are 15 grandchildren.
Burial:Pierce Brothers Santa Paula
Cemetery Santa Paula Ventura County California,
Find A Grave

Susanna Rebecca PlankSharp
Birth: Jun. 14, 1851 Pennsylvania, USA
Death: Jul. 8, 1934 Ventura County California, USA
Obituary: Note: Events and info as of July 8, 1934
Death claimed another pioneer of Ventura County when Mrs. J. M. Sharp passed away Sunday night at the family ranch home at Saticoy.
Mrs. Sharp was born June 14, 1851, in Philadelphia, and came to California in 1869 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Plank, living first in San Francisco.
There she graduated from the Normal school in 1873, afterward teaching school in Sonoma County. In 1874 she was
married to J. M. [James Meikle] Sharp, a classmate in the Normal school. They lived near Santa Rosa two years, then moved to Ventura County, living first in the Santa Ana District.
Mrs. Sharp was one of the first teachers in the Santa Ana School. In 1882 the family came to Saticoy where they have since resided. Mrs. Sharp was always active in community life and church work. She was a past president of the Ventura County Federation of Women’s clubs, and had served on the board of the Los Angeles District Federation of Women’s clubs.
Mr. Sharp died about a year and a half ago, and surviving Mrs. Sharp are the following children: Mrs. J. P. Thille, Julian H. Sharp, Mrs. W. H. Duval, Nathan Sharp, Hubert C. Sharp, and Leslie T. Sharp. In addition there are 15 grandchildren.
Burial: Pierce Brothers Santa Paula Cemetery Santa Paula
Ventura County California, USA Find A Grave Memorial#63567763